
Mutant Froggo Provides True Usecase & Offers The Most Advantageous Earning Stream in All of De-Fi!

Getting started on your adventure with the Mutant Froggos is fast, easy, & highly profitable for all involved!

- Unique 1 of a Kind Art

- Daily Revenue Earnings

- Tradable Subscription

- Mutant Froggo App Testing Inclusion

- Mutant Froggo App Access

- Jump2Earn Testing Inclusion

- Jump2Earn Earnings Access

- Upgrade & Increase Earnings

- NFT Auto-Staking

Whether new or old to the NFT space, everyone can agree that Mutant Froggo is not a project to be missed!

Hop On It!

$FROGGO Initial Utility

- Unique 1 of a Kind Art

- Daily Revenue Earnings

- Tradable Subscription

$FROGGO Future Utility

- APY Staking

- Test Phase Inclusion

- Mutant Froggo App Access

- Jump2Earn Access

- Fly NFT: Increased Earnings

Last updated